BCPS Internet Safety Curriculum
Botetourt County
Public Schools has developed an internet safety curriculum for all
students, K-12. For each grade level, the curriculum includes an
overview, focus, objectives, activities, and many informative links for
resources. This curriculum clearly defines what each student in each
grade should know regarding internet safety.
Review the BCPS Internet Safety Curriculum ...
BCPS promotes a safe environment for students
County Public Schools takes internet safety seriously. BCPS offers
benefits of the Internet in a safe environment. As stated in the BCPS Acceptable Use Policy,
In accordance with Va. Code § 22.1-70.2, Botetourt County Public
Schools requires all students to receive Internet safety training as a
component of their instructional program. Internet safety is both taught
to in grades K-8 and reinforced in grades 9-12.
Read about steps BCPS has taken to promote Internet safety ...
Parental Involvement
should also be aware of Internet safety, social media and digital
ethics issues that affect their children outside the safe environs of
the classroom.