BCPS Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Has your child recently been found eligible for special education and you want to learn more while connecting with other parents of students with disabilities?

Has your child been receiving special education and related services and you want more information regarding a particular area of interest or need?

Your local Special Education Advisory Committee is a great place to start!

What is the Special Education Advisory Committee?

The Botetourt County Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is a local advisory committee that is appointed by the school board. There are four SEAC meetings per school year in which current issues relevant to special education students in Botetourt County Public Schools are discussed. In addition, the SEAC sponsors informational presentations on a variety of topics that are important to you and your family at each stage in your child’s school career (e.g. School Readiness, Transition to Middle / High School, What Happens When My Child Turns 18?, The Importance of Developing Self-Advocacy Skills, Services and Supports Offered by Community Agencies, etc).

What are the primary functions of the Botetourt County Special Education Advisory Committee?

  • Advise the local school division of needs in the education of children with disabilities;
  • Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities;
  • Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities to the division superintendent for transmission to the local school board;
  • Assist the local school division in interpreting plans to the community for meeting the special needs of children with disabilities for educational services;
  • Review the policies and procedures for the provision of special education and related services prior to submission to the local school board; and
  • Participate in the review of the local school division's annual plan.


 How can the Special Education Advisory Committee help you?

You can select and attend informational presentations that are of particular interest to you and your family. SEAC meetings also give parents a chance to meet other parents of students with similar needs. Although the SEAC is not the place to discuss specific issues related to your child, your attendance at SEAC meetings can help you better understand how to work with the school division and how special education can meet the needs of children and youth with disabilities. 

Who may attend Special Education Advisory Committee Meetings?

All meetings are open to the public; you do not have to be on the committee to attend the meetings. The SEAC welcomes anyone interested in special education. There is a designated time for public comment during each meeting. The public comment period is an opportunity to share successful educational experiences and express general concerns regarding educational issues for students with disabilities.

How can I get more information about attending meetings and/or joining the committee?

If you would like to talk to someone about the SEAC, you may contact your child’s case manager, special education teacher or the Supervisor of Special Education, Karen Turner, at (540)473-8263 or [email protected].  Click on the Committee Member link to find a list of the current members of the BCPS Special Education Advisory Committee.  Click on the SEAC Membership Application link to download a Volunteer Application for SEAC Membership form.


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